In 2021, COERR implements Organic Agriculture Project “Chewit Dee Dee” to improve the wellbeing of the displaced persons in 9 Temporary Shelters through various food supplement activities such as training in plant cultivation and animal husbandry.
Farmers who finished training would receive tools and equipment for starting farming such as vegetable seeds, fertilizers, fencing nets, tools or mushroom spawn for mushroom cultivation for food.
Animals like chicken, duckling, fish, etc., were given by COERR to the qualified farmers in order to start integrated farming. Beansprout making were held, in which the products were distributed to the vulnerable who were in need of food, i.e., elderly, handicapped.
The meetings among farmers, co-op members, and animal bank members are supported by COERR every 2 months for sharing, exchanging of knowledge and monitoring the progress of the program.
Moreover, COERR has supported other initiative activities which is based on farmer’s need in order to increase food in the camps such as food preservation for all year-round consumption purpose through drying or fermentation.
COERR paid regular visits to farmers to listen and provide advices about vegetable growing and animal raising. As of June 2021, there is 2,513 farmers participate in this project.
The Basic Organic Agriculture and Home Gardening training in Ban Dong Yang temporary shelter

Bean Sprout Making for the Vulnerable in the Community

Farmer Record and Home Visit by Camp-based Refugee Staff

Intergrated Farming
